This article will show you how to post a future payment. The loan record must be current and payments must be posted individually for each future month. How to Post a Payment 1) Within a loan, go to the Payments menu and click on the Transactions submenu 2) Click the +Add button 3) Transactio…
The steps below will show you how to increase the loan amount on a previously boarded a payment account and disburse the additional funds. The new amount added will then be available to disburse in the Payments > Transactions menu. If there is a transaction posted before the effective date you want to disburse additi…
If you have a payment account that has an outstanding fee balance and you would like to reduce or waive the fee, please go to the Payments > Transactions menu. 1) Click Add+ button. 2) Select the Fee Transaction Type you want to reduce or waive ( Late, NSF, OR Other). 3) You will see the Current B…
This video will show you what you can expect to see in your Payments loan menu after you have boarded a loan:
You can assess late fees in bulk in Payments > Settings > General . There are two options: 1. Nightly Late Fee Check checkbox 2. +Add Late Fees button IF you check the Nightly Late Fee Check checkbox, the system will automatically apply late fees on a nightly basis across your whole p…
February 1st, 2023 Announcements Ventures+ ***MUST READ*** New Enhancement EXPANDED JOB TRACKING CAPABILITY We are excited to announce we have added new functionality for Job Tracking. This enhancement includes the ability to allow Lenders to track job numbers during the servicing stage at any point …
When processing actions in bulk within Payments, you will be able to view a history of bulk actions performed. This history record shows what user initiated the action, when the action was performed, and the results of the processed bulk action. This is a great auditing tool if you need to research an issue or if you…
Before using the Tracking menu > Disbursements with Payments, please review the KB article Using the Tracking menu > Disbursements to learn how the Disbursements menu works. This article will show users that have Payments (non 504 payment processing add-on module) how to: - Link funds already disbursed in the pay…
This article is to show which fields within Administration > User Access > Permissions are associated with Payments, and what actions and areas the fields will effect. *** IMPORTANT - All users will have access to see and edit the Payments tab within a loan and the main menu Payments tab once the loan is in …
To set up your Email Billing Statements settings: * Click on Payments in the main menu. * The Payments page will load. Click on Settings in the menu on the left. * Click on the Email Settings tab. * Scroll to the Billing Statement Email section. * Enter the Subject and the Body you want to have appear when Bo…