Click here to return to the foundational webinar hub page. The video below and the attachments to this article cover using Ticklers in Ventures. Viewing Tips: * Use the Table of Contents option to quickly jump to a chapter of the webinar. Click this icon to make the Table of Contents appear or disappear…
How to view Ticklers associated with Out of Portfolio loans? * From within the main menu click on Reports & Letters * On the left hand menu click on Ticklers > Ticklers * Set any applicable table filters (blue highlight below); TIP: if you'd like to view all Ticklers regardless of status for Out of Portfol…
You can view the Tickler Process History or the results of a specific tickler processing event. To view your tickler processing history: * Mouse over Documents in the menu at the top of the screen. * Click on Ticklers in the menu that appears. * Click on Process History in the menu on the left. The process h…
Is your loan in an Out of Portfolio state and/or no longer requires tickler tracking? Don’t delete your tickler or tracking items instead manually Complete the tickler which places it in a Deactivated status. How would you do this? 1) From within the loan record s elect: Tracking > Ticklers 2) From …
You can process Ticklers in bulk in the Reports & Letters menu. * Mouse over Documents in the menu at the top of the screen. * Click Ticklers in the submenu that appears. The ticklers page will load. It will display all Ticklers in your Portfolio. Note that the Status filter will default to Due. * Use …
Why is my Tickler Due count on my Ventures Homepage different from the actual Ticklers Due count when I click on the record? Ventures Home Page Ticklers Due Widget: * The count displayed on your Ventures Home Page Ticklers Due Widget is a total count for All Ticklers Due, including any Out of Portfolio l…
Creating a Generic Tickler Template not associated to a specific Tracking Type. This example will have you creating a new Tickler Template for you to use in cases where a specific Tracking Type does not exist. Some examples of when this tickler would be used are as follows: * Track Property Taxes * Sending a Bor…
Before you can use Ticklers in your loan, you will need tickler templates set up. Ventures includes a variety of tickler templates. They are known as system templates. You can use one of the provided system templates, or you can create your own. To create a Tickler Template: * Mouse over Documents in the menu at…
This hub page will guide you to recordings of our previous webinars covering a variety of topics. The videos are edited for time and have chapters for convenient navigation through topics covered in the webinar. * Administration * Main Menu and Loan Menu * Loan Analysis Menus * ETRAN Submissions (7A and 504) …