Jan 14, 2024
504 Lenders
If your organization has been requested to upload an IPERIA (Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Improvement Act) audit file, these audits can be uploaded from within Ventures.
Within Ventures follow these steps:
- Click on the SBA Submissions menu;
- Click on the Etrans menu;
- Click on the hyperlinked Application and/or Loan Number located within the Etrans table;
- Click on the green Upload button;
- Input your CLS credentials when prompted to do so and click on Next;
- Select IPERIA Audit Submission from the drop-down and then click on the green Continue button;
- You will be presented with a list of IPERIA Audit Exhibits to upload by clicking on the Add File button for the various buckets;
- When finished uploading click on the green Upload Files button located towards the bottom of the screen;
- Click on Done after the documents have been transferred to ETRAN.