Job Tracking in Ventures
*** Watch This video for a summary of the information below***
How to record job numbers during the application stage:
- Click on the Eligibility menu > General submenu > Jobs tab for Prospect or Open status records
- An "Origination" record type will be visible
- Click on the hyperlinked "As of Date" in the Origination record to open
- Record the number of jobs (Existing, Created, Retained) obtained during the application stage
- Add any comments, if needed
- Click Save
- The "As of Date" field in the "Origination" record is the date the loan record was created in Ventures
- The "As of Date" field can be updated with a different date
How to record and track job numbers during the servicing stage:
Once the loan record has a Funded status, you can record the number of jobs in the loan servicing stage in the Tracking > Jobs Tracking menu. This menu will only be visible for loans that have a funded status, so if you do not see this servicing menu, check the status of the loan. The "Origination" record from the Eligibility menu will be visible and editable in the Jobs Tracking menu.
If the loan record has a 504 category loan type, then the menu will additionally have a "Jobs at 2 Years" record added. The “As of Date” Field will say “Not Confirmed” and the Comments field will automatically fill with the 2 year Anniversary Date. The 2 year date is calculated from the Funded Date entered plus two years
Adding a new Servicing record
- Click on Tracking menu > Jobs Tracking submenu
- Click +Add to create a new "Servicing" jobs record
- You can opt to add a Tickler with the Default Job Tracking Type template (set in the Ticklers > Template menu) by checking the box "Attach Tickler to this Record"
- You can also add a Tickler at a different time and/or add a different tickler template in the Tracking > Ticklers menu of that loan (see Tickler section below if interested in tracking future job numbers with Ticklers)
- Enter the 'As of Date." The "As of Date" field indicates the future date you would like to capture the number of jobs for, and/or it can indicate the actual date you confirmed the number of jobs with the borrower.
- Record the number of jobs (Existing, Created, Retained), if obtained
- Record Verification Attempts, if any
- Add any comments, if needed
- Click Save
- You will now see an additional "Servicing' record type in the grid
- You can record as many job numbers received as needed
- You can create as many records with future dates as needed, if you need to obtain them during the servicing of the loan (see Tickler section below if interested in tracking future job numbers with Ticklers and see Report section below if interested in tracking future job numbers via Reports)
Updating an existing record
- Click on the hyperlinked 'As of Date' of an existing record
- You can update the "As of Date', if needed (504 Lenders - see the 504 Jobs at Two Year record section below)
- Update the number of jobs (Existing, Created, Retained), if obtained
- Update Verification Attempts, if any
- Add any comments, if needed
- Click Save
Updating the Jobs at Two Years record for a 504 Loan
Click on the hyperlink that says “Not Confirmed” in the As of Date column of the Jobs at 2 Years record
The As of Date field will be grayed out to start in the pop up. Enter the data you collected for the Existing Jobs, Created Jobs and how many jobs were Retained in their respective fields. You do not have to fill them all in.
When data is entered into any of the three fields mentioned in the last step the As of Date field will turn white indicating that it can now be filled.
- Fill in the As of Date field with the date you collected the Jobs data
Fill in the dates for the verification attempts if desired
Make any edits to the comments if needed
Press the save button
Deleting a Servicing record
- Click the X next to the "Servicing' record in the grid to delete
- Once deleted, you will not be able to get the record back
- You will not be able to delete "Origination" or "Jobs at 2 Years" record types, only edit them
504 LENDERS - Jobs at 2 Years and SBA Annual Jobs Report
- The "Jobs at 2 Years" record type is auto-generated once the loan record moves to Funded status
- This record will be visible in the Tracking menu
- The comment section will pre populate with the 2 year anniversary date. It is calculated from the date the loan was funded, plus 2 years. Please note, if the originally entered Funded Date is changed at a later time, the 2 year Anniversary Date in the Comment field will not be updated.
- You can opt to add a Tickler with the Default Job Tracking Type template or add a different tickler template in the Tracking > Ticklers menu of that loan (see Tickler section below if interested in tracking future job numbers with Ticklers)
- After receiving the confirmed job numbers at 2 years from the borrower, you will want to go to the "Jobs at 2 Years" record type, to record the data.
- Changing the "As of Date" from Not Confirmed to the date verified on the "Jobs at 2 Years record", and adding job values, will be necessary to keep the SBA Annual Jobs Report accurate (Data > Reports> SBA CDC Annual Report.)
Reports, Report fields, and web template merge fields available related to Job Tracking:
System Reports
You can use existing system reports to see your jobs data. You can also copy any system report and customize it to fit your needs.
- Jobs Report - All Jobs in Portfolio: Use for 504 category loan types. This report returns job numbers at application, Two Year Anniversary Dates, and Two Year Anniversary numbers.
- Jobs Tracking - Origination Report: Use this report for any loan type. This report will pull in "Origination" records and values. The "Completed" column in the report will have a checkmark returned IF there are values in either the Existing, Created, Retained job fields of that record. If there are no values in the Existing, Created, Retained job fields of that record, the "Completed" column in the report will not have a checkmark. This can be helpful if a user is trying to see which job tracking records have had information gathered and entered in the records, and which ones are still outstanding.
- Jobs Tracking - Servicing Report: Use this report for any loan type. This report will pull in "Servicing" and "Jobs at Two Years" records and values. The "Completed" column in the report will have a checkmark returned IF there are values in either the Existing, Created, Retained job fields of that record. If there are no values in the Existing, Created, Retained job fields of that record, the "Completed" column in the report will not have a checkmark. This can be helpful if a user is trying to see which job tracking records have had information gathered and entered in the records, and which ones are still outstanding.
Report fields
- Loan category: Latest Jobs fields
- Latest fields will pull in data from "Jobs at 2 Years" and "Servicing" record types
- Latest fields will pull in the latest “added on” date record (date record was physically added to Ventures) that HAS values in either the Existing, Created, Retained job fields
- Latest fields will not pull in data from "Origination" records
- Loan Job Tracking category fields
- Fields will pull in data from all job tracking record types (unless a filter is used)
Web Template merge fields
- In a web template, you can type the word "Job" in the Search Merge Field bar, and see the merge fields available in the dropdown menu
How to track job numbers using Ticklers:
You will need to set up your Job Tracking Tickler templates before attaching them to job tracking records. Go to Documents > Ticklers > Templates menu. Click +Add and select “Job Tracking” in the drop down menu of Tracking Type. Fill out the template and click Save. You can review our KB article Creating a Tickler Template and watch our Ticklers webinar in Foundation Webinar Series about tickler template set up for more in depth information. The “As of Date” is the tracking date that your tickler will look at as the “notification date”. Depending on how your tickler template is set up and what the "As of Date" is, the template will determine when the tickler will show up as Due in your system.
How to add Tickler to one record
- Click on the existing record, add the Default Job Tracking Type template by checking the box "Attach Tickler to this Record" (you will see the template name below the checkbox), click Save
- If you want to attach a different template than the Default, then go to Tracking > Ticklers menu of loan record and click +Add. You can select the template you want to use and then select the job tracking record you want to attach it to and Save.
- Once job records are collected for the record, you can update the "As of Date" with the verified date and then update your tickler. Or you can leave the "As of Date," fill out the information, Save, and then go to Tracking > Ticklers menu to complete tickler, if necessary.
How to use a "Servicing" record as a continuous tickler
- You can use this method if you have to collect job numbers every year, every two years, etc and you do not want to attach a new tickler to a new record each time
- Click on the existing record, add the Default Job Tracking Type template by checking the box "Attach Tickler to this Record" (you will see the template name below the checkbox), click Save
- If you want to attach a different template than the Default, then go to Tracking > Ticklers menu of loan record and click +Add. You can select the template you want to use and then select the job tracking record you want to attach it to and Save.
- Once job records are collected for that "As of Date", you can add a new record with the job information and click Save. You will then go into the original record with the Tickler and update the "As of Date" to the next date you want to verify job numbers. You would leave the job fields blank in this record and only use it for the tickler.
- Complete your tickler in Tracking > Ticklers menu once you no longer need to collect job numbers
- Example below of a Tickler record that is being used continuously (4/1/2023 and blank) and a record of verified information obtained (2/1/2023). Once job numbers have been received for 4/1/2023, the user would add a new record and record the job numbers, then go and advance the 4/1/2023 date to the next future date.