The Ventures platform aligns with SBA's ETRAN platform when displaying Veteran statuses within Entities > Click on the owner > Background tab > Military section. Not sure which one to choose? We found an article on SBA's website explaining the various options. Keep reading below. 504 loan view: 7a Lo…
Q: How do I add a new owner, investor, loan fund, or loan pool so that it appears in the Change Ownership drop-down menu when trying to add them to a loan record? A: You will need to add them within the Payments Main Menu > Ownership menu. The steps for doing this are provided below. * Click on the O…
This KB article will give you instructions on how to add an Owner, Investor, or Pool/Fund when boarding a payment account. This process is for clients that have the Ownership piece. You can always add an Owner, Investor, or Pool/Fund after the payment account has been boarded. Please board the payment account follow…
This article will show how to record a 7A Community Advantage Loan Sale on the Secondary Market within Ventures. For more information visit FTA Wiki page. If you have Payments and the 1502/Investor module, please follow the procedure below: STEP ONE: Add Ownership Transaction 1) Go to loan that has been sol…