Dec 18, 2024
Click here to return to the NACHA hub page.
Once you have the ODFI Originators, ACH Batches set up and you have filled in ACH information on your loans that are boarded in payments and specified their ACH Batches, you can create and Export a NACHA file.
- Click on Payments in the main menu.
- When the Payments section loads click on Utilities in the menu on the left. A submenu will appear.
- Click on Export NACHA in the submenu. The Export NACHA Payments page will load. You will see a table containing loans that are boarded in payments in your system. Note that the Export button is grey. You cannot export till you have filled in the three filter fields described below
- First select the ODFI Originator from the filter field labeled “All ODFI Originators” this will filter the table to show only records assigned to a batch that the ODFI Originator is associated with.
- Next use the filter field labeled “No Batch” to select the specific ACH Batch you want to export. The dropdown will filter batches to only display batches associated with the ODFI Originator you selected.
- Enter an effective date in the effective date field. This filters the records to only display loans with an ACH start date that have already passed. For example if you set your Effective date to 12/12/2024, any record that has an ACH Start Date of 12/12/2024 or earlier will appear in the table (assuming it matches your selection in the ODFI Originator and Batch fields as well). You will not see a record that has a start date in the future.
- Once you have used the three filters mentioned above to filter the table, you can use the checkbox to the left of each record to mark the ones you want to export. You can use the master checkbox at the top of the checkbox column to select all the records in the table.
- The payment amount is determined based on the ACH Billing Method as Regular Payment amount, or Total Amount Due for each account
- You can filter the table using additional filters by clicking on the funnel icon. This is not required for the Export process to work.
- Once you have made your selections, click the Export button.
- If your records are missing any information the pop up will update to inform you of the missing information. The screenshot below shows errors from an export with multiple loans. Click on each validation in the pop up to navigate to the page in Ventures where you can enter the information. Once entered and saved, try the export process again. If it was corrected, you should not see the Validation in the pop up anymore.
- Once all validations are corrected or if there are none, you will see the pop up say “Ready for Export”. Click the Export button.
- You will see a progress bar. Once the system finishes the export, the exported file will either download to your system automatically, or depending on your settings it may ask you where you want to save the download before it downloads. Once the file is downloaded, you can provide the file to your ACH processor. We do not recommend opening the file. It should be sent to your ACH processor without modification.