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Showing articles from NACHA tag

Importing NACHA Payments / Posting NACHA Payments in Bulk

Click here to return to the NACHA hub page. Note: The identifier for the loan found on the Payments -> Loan Details screen needs to match the identifier listed in your NACHA file. This defaults to the log number of the loan, unless you have edited the identifier on the Payments -> Loan details screen. Make sure th…

History of Imported NACHA Payments

Click here to return to the NACHA hub page. * Mouse over Payments in the main menu. When the Payment subsections appear click on Actions. * When the Payments Actions page loads, click History It will be listed in the Actions submenu in the menu on the left. * When the History page loads, use the filter to selec…

The ACH Exceptions Report

Click here to return to the NACHA hub page. We have created a report to help you find loans boarded in payments, that are either: a) Missing information that they would need for ACH processes b) Are in a status or sub-status where the ACH Active option should be turned off as they no longer need to be active, …

NACHA Checklist

Click here to return to the NACHA hub page. Click on a step to be directed to the article covering how to accomplish it! Site Administrators * ODFI Originators set up with their Identifiers * The Routing Number is set for each ODFI in their Virtual Card * ACH Batches have been set up correctly, verify tha…

Generating a NACHA File for Export

Click here to return to the NACHA hub page. Once you have the ODFI Originators, ACH Batches set up and you have filled in ACH information on your loans that are boarded in payments and specified their ACH Batches, you can create and Export a NACHA file. * Click on Payments in the main menu. * When the Payment…

NACHA Set Up Hub Page

The following articles will help you set up and use NACHA capabilities in Ventures. The Payments module is required. Site Administrators: * Setting ODFI Originators and Routing Numbers * Configuring ACH Batches * Setting up permission sets for users working on NACHA files. * Set auto statement generation to…

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