There are several ways to add a Tickler to a project. Ticklers can be added within the project or a template can be added in Bulk to multiple projects that fit the same criteria.
Adding a Tickler when adding Tracking items.
If you are adding new Tracking items into your project, you will have the option of associating a Tickler with that Tracking item. This can be done by checking the box to "Attach Tickler to this Record" when the Tracking item is created. Please note that is will only allow you to associate the default Tickler template for this Tracking item.
Adding a Tickler from the Tracking > Tickler area.
If you already have existing Tracking items and you wish to start using Ticklers with them, you will need to associate them in Tracking > Ticklers. This area allows you to associate non-default templates to your Tracking records.
1. Click the +Add button to add a new Tickler.
2. Select the Tickler template you wish to use.
2b. If you select a Tickler that is associated with a Tracking record, a second selection will show and you will need to select which Tracking record is going to be associated with this Tickler.
3. You may Edit the Name of the Tickler if you wish to add or remove information from the displayed name. Please verify the Notification Date.
4. Click Save to add the Tickler.
5. After adding a Tickler record, you can go back into the new tickler and add additional individuals to be emailed on Email actions, other than the default template contact assigned. Go to the Actions tab > Tab of an email action type > Click +Add. The Contact dropdown will be a list of:
- All contacts assigned within the loan record (can include external contacts like attorneys)
- All loan entity contacts within the loan record
- Any internal contacts on your site with one of these roles below:
- Closing Analyst
- Closing Processor
- Credit Analyst
- Credit Manager
- Liquidation Analyst
- Loan Officer
- Loan Processor
- Servicing Agent
- Servicing Manager
- Lender Attorney
- Signer
- Business Advisor
Adding Ticklers in Bulk.
If you are creating a new template, you may wish to add the template to your existing portfolio all at once instead of one at a time in each project. To do this, you would use the Bulk Add option found in Documents > Ticklers > Bulk Add menu.
1. If you have performed a Bulk Add in the past, you may see a grid of the previous Bulk Add jobs. If so, please hit the Add button to begin the process. If this is your first time using Bulk Add you will be automatically sent to the filter screen.
2. Select the Tickler template you want to add in bulk.
3. Use the filters on the screen to narrow down the loans and/or tracking records where this tickler will be added automatically.
4. Hit Show Summary to view the results of the filter. If the result is too many or too few compared to your portfolio, select Cancel and adjust your filters. When the result closely matches your portfolio, select OK to add the ticklers.