Jan 14, 2024
If you're trying to obtain an SBSS Score and you're receiving a validation error, try checking the following within Ventures:
- Entities - Must have a Primary OC identified
- Entities - Must have a Tax ID for the Primary OC (9 digits)
- Entities - Must have an address identified for the Primary OC
- Entities - Must have a phone number identified for the Primary OC
- Ownership - Must represent at least 80% of the ownership. NOTE: In instances where entities own entities there must be at least 1 individual identified with a SS#
- Ownership - SS#'s for owners 20% or more
- Ownership - Address of the owner (Entities > Owner Contact > Background tab)
- Financing - The lender name should be visible in the Financing > Financing tab and a contact identified for the fields to pre-populate within your ETRAN submission
If all the information above has been entered and you're still receiving an error contact the Ventures help desk.