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Ticklers are used to track a variety of information and documents that you need to collect.

This includes but is not limited to: UCC records, Financials/Tax returns and insurance information. For ticklers to function properly you must have already entered the item you wish to track to the loan.

There are two areas of Ventures where Ticklers are set up and organized. This article covers the tickler menu in the Reports & Letters menu of Ventures. It contains links to articles that explain how to set up tickler templates, bulk add ticklers, review tickler processing history, and bulk process ticklers.

Ticklers can also be accessed on an individual loan level in the tracking menu of the loan. You can find an article covering the tickler page in the tracking menu here.

To navigate to the ticklers menu:

  • Click on Reports & Letters in the menu that runs across the top of the screen.
  • You will see an option labeled Ticklers in the menu on the left. Click it to reveal the four menu items available for the ticklers section.






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