Error communicating with SBA Etran Service ( The service did not respond after waiting 15 minutes: Confirm application was not created
Oct 31, 2023
When submitting an application to ETRAN from Ventures, some users have seen the following error message returned:
"Error communicating with SBA Etran Service ( The service did not respond after waiting 15 minutes."
If you received this error, please DO NOT try and submit your application again through Ventures. Wait 15 minutes after receiving the error message and check CAFS to confirm if an application was actually created or not. Steps to check if an application has been created in CAFS/ETRAN:
- Access the CAFS/ETRAN site
- Select the Loans drop down menu
- Select Electronic Lending - Origination (ETRAN)
- Select Search
- Select Red Submit button
- If you were not the user that submitted the application, then remove the "Entered by" value and click on Submit
- A list of all applications will be displayed
- Confirm an application was not created for the borrower you are trying to submit
- If an application was not created, return to Ventures and wait at least 15 minutes before trying to submit your application again
- If an application was created, take note of the Application # and follow the steps to "Link the Application" from Ventures below
- From Ventures, access SBA Submission Menu > ETRAN
- Click on the Add button
- Enter your CLS Credentials
- Select Next
- Select Link to Existing > Enter the Application # > Next
- Verify the information > Select Link
- You have linked the application from Ventures and can proceed with your Etran submission from Ventures. Using this feature simply links the application created in CAFS, you will still need to to go through the submission process to get your loan application moved to the next status.