Nov 07, 2023
ETRAN has updated the workflow for 504 and 7A Terms and Conditions documents.
SBA will now be performing compliance checks for applications before moving them to Awaiting Documents / In Reviewer 1 / Funded status. The new status is "R0" within a CAFS record, and will show in Ventures as "In Compliance Review". Per the SBA, you should expect the compliance checks to be completed within 2-3 business days.
Below is a list of statuses, and flow charts that cover how ETRAN decides what status to display.
- IP: Application in Process
- FD: Funded
- WD: Withdrawn
- AP: Approved Pending Funding
- R0: In Compliance Review Please note, when you are in compliance review, you are able to upload documents. You do not have to wait till the Awaiting Documents status.
- R1: In Review Reviewer 1
- AD: Awaiting Documents
- SO: Screened Out
- PS: Poor Score
For Delegated Applications:
For Non-Delegated Applications: