Jan 14, 2024
You can adjust the text on various Gateway pages to fit your needs.
To adjust the text, you will need to be a site administrator.
- Log in to your Gateway account.
- Click on the circular Icon with your initials in it to access the menu. It should be in the top right corner of the page.
- Click on Site Settings
- When the Site Settings page loads, click the "Customize Text" menu option in the menu on the left side of the screen.
- The Customize Text page will load. There are three tabs that correspond to different parts of the site in which you can customize text. The Landing Page Tab, the Prequal Tab and the Other Tab. We will cover each one below:
The Landing Page Tab
- There are three fields on the Landing Page tab, each corresponds to a different part of the landing page. The fields have a description underneath them that explains where the text you enter will be displayed.
- For the landing page you have three options to edit: the Title text, the Welcome text and the Instructions text.
- Type in what you would like displayed in each field. When you finish your entries and have reviewed them for accuracy, press the save button.
- The text on your landing page will now be updated
The Prequal Tab
- Click the Prequal tab menu option.
- There are six fields on the Prequal tab, each corresponds to a different part or process of the Prequal page.
- The first two fields, the Entry Title and Entry Sub Text field, appear on every Prequal Page.
- The later four fields only appear if the applicant enters something that results in them being denied for the product they are applying for.
- Type in what you would like displayed in each field. When you finish your entries and have reviewed them for accuracy, press the save button.
- The text in your Prequal process will now be updated
The Other Tab
- There are two fields in the Other tab, each corresponds to different parts of Gateway, they do not all relate to the same page as seen in the previous two tabs.
- The "Email Footer" allows you to customize the footer on any emails generated and sent from the system.
- The "Documents Grid Instructions" field allows you to enter instructions for the Document Grid section of the application.
- Type in what you would like displayed in each field. When you finish your entries and have reviewed them for accuracy, press the save button.
- The text linked to the fields will now be updated.