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Home > Training > Gateway > Gateway mapped Ventures fields matrix
Gateway mapped Ventures fields matrix
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This article is to show a Gateway Site Admin where the Ventures field in Gateway's form designer "Choose Ventures Field" dropdown will map to in a Ventures record. When you click on the "Choose Ventures Field" dropdown menu, the existing mapped Ventures fields are listed first, followed by any custom fields you have created on your Ventures site that you can map to, with some exceptions. Click HERE to see what objects (Standard or Custom) and custom fields are available in each designer form (Primary Application, Additional Contact, Product, etc).



The mapped Ventures fields are categorized into sections, and then alphabetized in the "Choose Ventures Field" dropdown. Below are a general explanations about each "category" and what area they reference in a Ventures record. You can click on the hyperlinked category to quickly move to that section of the article.

  1. Business / Company - Refer to fields within the Primary Operating Company (POC) record in the Ventures Entities menu, with a few exceptions noted in the Comment column of the matrix. In Ventures, the POC is considered the Primary Business and all other businesses added to the ownership grid in the Gateway application are considered affiliates. 
  2. Collateral - Refer to the project property record in the Collateral menu. If these fields are present in your Gateway application, they will set the collateral record in Ventures to a Real Estate collateral type and map the values.
  3. Contact - Refer to fields related to the record's Entity Contacts. In Ventures, the entity contact is considered an applicant. 
  4. Cost Type - Refer to project cost records in the Financing Menu > Job Costs tab of a Ventures record. Currently, these fields are not mapping correctly and instead are being pushed into the Notes section of a Ventures record.
  5. Eligibility - Refer to two fields in Ventures. One is for the Eligibility menu > Purpose tab narrative box, and the other is for indicating if the project is for relocation purposes. 
  6. Jobs - Refer to the fields in the Origination record in the Eligibility menu > General > Jobs tab of Ventures record.
  7. Loan - Refer to general information about the application, like requested amount.
  8. Project - Refer to information about the project like address of business, location in special zones, and purpose. 





Business / Company



Choose Ventures Field dropdown  Mapped Field in Ventures Comment
Business Acquisition Financing menu > Project Costs tab > Purchase Business (Change of Ownership) checkbox This field is available for 504 / 7a category type records
Business City Entities menu > Entity record > Entity vCard > City field This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record

Business County

Entities menu > Entity record > Entity vCard > County field This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record
Business DBA Name Entities menu > Entity record > General tab > DBA Name field This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record
Business Email Entities menu > Entity record > Entity vCard > Email field This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record
Business Entity Type Entities menu > Entity record > Business Entity Type field If your application has the ownership grid in it, the business entity type will use the values added there for each entity added
Business Established Date Entities menu > Entity record > Established field This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record
Business Name Entities menu > Entity record > Entity vCard > Name field

This field is required and cannot be deleted in the application for the Primary Business


If your application has the ownership grid in it, the business name will use values added there for each additional entity added

Business Phone Entities menu > Entity record > Entity vCard > Business field This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record
Business State Code Entities menu > Entity record > Entity vCard >  State field This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record
Business Street Entities menu > Entity record > Entity vCard > Street field This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record
Business Tax ID Entities menu > Entity record > Entity vCard > Tax ID field

This field is required and cannot be deleted in the application for the Primary Business


If your application has the ownership grid in it, the business tax ID will use values added there for each additional entity added

Business Website Entities menu > Entity record > Entity vCard > Website field This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record
Business Zip Entities menu > Entity record > Entity vCard > Zip field This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record
Company Bankruptcy Entities menu > POC record > Credit & Identification tab > Involved in Bankruptcy/Insolvency field This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record
Company Business Management Narrative Entities menu > POC record > Narratives tab > Management narrative box This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record
Company DUNS Entities menu > POC record > General Tab > DUNS field This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record
Company Entity Description Narrative Entities menu > POC record > Narratives tab > Entity Description narrative box This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record
Company Ethnicity Entities menu > POC record > Eligibility tab > Ethnicity field This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record
Company Exporter Entities menu > POC record > Eligibility tab > Exporter field This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record
Company NAICS Entities menu > POC record > General Tab > NAICS Code field This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record
Company Pending Lawsuit Entities menu > POC record > Credit & Identification tab > Involved in Pending Lawsuit field This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record
Company Race Entities menu > POC record > Eligibility tab > Race field This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record
Company State of Formation Entities menu > POC record > General Tab > State of Formation field This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record
Company Veteran Status Entities menu > POC record > Eligibility tab > Veteran field

This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record


Note dropdown selections are different for 7a and 504/Commercial category type loans

# Employees Entities menu > POC record > Employees field

This field will only map to the Primary Business / POC record


This field will be visible for Business Entity Types that allow more than one employee








Choose Ventures Field dropdown Mapped Field in Ventures Comment
Collateral Building Size Collateral menu > Real Estate collateral record > Real Estate tab > Building Size field                                                                                                                                                 
Collateral Description Collateral menu > Real Estate collateral record > Real Estate tab > Description
Collateral Lot Size Collateral menu > Real Estate collateral record > Real Estate tab > Lot Size field  
Collateral Occupied by OC Size Collateral menu > Real Estate collateral record > Real Estate tab > Occupied By OC field  
Collateral Parcel # Collateral menu > Real Estate collateral record > Real Estate tab > Parcel # field  
Collateral Property Type Collateral menu > Real Estate collateral record > Real Estate tab > Collateral Property Type field  
Collateral Unit Size Collateral menu > Real Estate collateral record > Real Estate tab > Unit Size field  
Collateral Year Built Collateral menu > Real Estate collateral record > Real Estate tab > Year Built field  







Choose Ventures Field dropdown  Mapped Field in Ventures Comment
Contact Alien Registration # Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Alien Registration # field  
Contact Arrested Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > General tab > Arrested field  
Contact Bankruptcy  Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Credit & Identification tab > Involved in Bankruptcy/Insolvency field  
Contact Birth City Entities menu > Entity> Entity Contact > Background tab > Birth City field  
Contact Birth Country Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Birth Country field  
Contact Birth State Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Birth State field  
Contact Citizenship Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Citizenship Status field  
Contact City Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Current Home Address section  > City field  
Contact Convicted Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > General tab > Convicted or on Probation field  
Contact Country of Citizenship Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Country of Citizenship field  
Contact County Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Current Home Address section  > County field  
Contact Credit Score   Do not use. If you use the credit pulling feature in Gateway, and a credit score value is returned, when pushing the application to Ventures it will be recorded in the Credit & Identification section of the contact record.
Contact Date of Birth Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Date of Birth field  
Contact Debarred Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > General tab > Debarred field  
Contact Delinquent Child Support Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > General tab > Delinquent on Child Support field  
Contact Email Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Contact vCard > E-mail field

This field is required and cannot be deleted in the application for the Primary Contact


If your application has the ownership grid in it, the contact email will use values added there for each contact added

Contact Ethnicity Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Ethnicity field  
Contact First Name Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Contact vCard > First field  
Contact Former Names Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Contact vCard > Former Names field  
Contact Gender Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Gender field  
Contact Indicted Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > General tab > Indicted or Charged field  
Contact Last Name Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Contact vCard > Last field  
Contact Middle Name Entities menu > Entity > Contact vCard > Middle field  
Contact Military Branch Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Branch field  
Contact Military Discharge Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Discharge Type field  
Contact Mobile Phone Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Contact vCard > Mobile field  
Contact Other SBA Loans Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > General tab > Other SBA loans field This field is only available for 504 category loans
Contact Ownership % Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > General tab > Ownership % field If your application has the ownership grid in it, the ownership % will use values added there
Contact Own or Rent Type Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Personal Residence field  
Contact Pending Lawsuit Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Credit & Identification tab > Involved in Pending Lawsuit field  
Contact Phone Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Contact vCard > Business field  
Contact Previous Government Financing Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > General tab > Previous Government Financing field This field is only available for 504 category loans
Contact Race Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Race field  
Contact Rank Discharge Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Rank at Discharge field  
Contact Spouse Alien Registration Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Spouse section > Alien Registration # field  
Contact Spouse Birth Place Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Spouse section > Place of Birth field  
Contact Spouse DOB Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Spouse section > Date of Birth field  
Contact Spouse Name Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Spouse section > Name field The Ventures field is one open text field, so the Lender can only use one field in the application to capture the spouse's name instead of two fields
Contact Spouse SSN Entities menu> Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Spouse section > SSN field  
Contact Spouse US Citizen Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Spouse section > US Citizen checkbox  
Contact State Code Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Current Home Address section  > State field  
Contact Street Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Current Home Address section  > Street field  
Contact Tax ID Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Tax ID field  
Contact Veteran Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Veteran field Dropdown selections are different for 7a and 504/Commercial category type loans
Contact Zip Entities menu > Entity > Entity Contact > Background tab > Current Home Address section  > Zip field  







Cost Type


Choose Ventures Field dropdown Mapped Field in Ventures Comment
Cost Type   Field mapping is not working
Cost Type Amount   Field mapping is not working
Cost Type Comments                                                                      Field mapping is not working








Choose Ventures Field dropdown              Mapped Field in Ventures Comment
Eligibility Purpose Narrative         Eligibility menu > General > Purpose tab  
Eligibility Relocating Financing menu > Project Costs tab > Relocation checkbox  This field is only available for 504/7a category type records








Choose Ventures Field dropdown Mapped Field in Ventures Comment
Jobs Created Eligibility menu > General > Jobs tab > Origination record > Jobs Created field                                                                       
Jobs Existing Eligibility menu > General > Jobs tab > Origination record > Jobs Existing field  
Jobs Retained Eligibility menu > General > Jobs tab > Origination record > Jobs Retained field  









Choose Ventures Field dropdown Mapped Field in Ventures Comment
Entity Name Entities Menu > Entity record If your application has the ownership grid in it, the Entity Name of the primary business will map to a Primary Operating Company record, and any other entities added will map as Affilliate records
Loan Amount Financing menu > Financing Sources tab > Primary loan record or SBA debenture record Loan amount will be in the initial Financing source that is created in the record and cannot be removed in 7a/Commercial type records. The loan amount will appear in the 504 Debenture record for 504 category loans.
Loan # Overview menu > General tab > File Location field This field will merge the application number from Gateway
Loan Purpose                                                                                  Field mapping is not working
Loan Type Overview menu > General tab > Loan Type field     This field is determined by the Product of the application and dependent on any exceptions added by a Site Admin in Administration menu > External Sync > Data Mapping tab in Ventures









Choose Ventures Field dropdown Mapped Field in Ventures Comment
Project City Overview menu > General tab > Project Property Address section > City field  
Project Costs Narrative Financing menu > Project Costs tab > Project Costs Narrative field  
Project County Overview menu > General tab > Project Property Address section > County field  
Project Empowerment Zone Eligibility menu > Policy tab > Located in an Empowerment Zone or Enterprise Community checkbox Checkbox visible in 7a category records only
Project Hub Zone

7a category records:

Eligibility menu > Policy tab > Located in a HUBZone checkbox


504/Commercial category records:

Eligibility menu > Public Policy tab > Located in a HubZone checkbox

Project LMI Community

7a category records:

Eligibility menu > Policy tab > Located in a Low-to-Moderate Income (LMI) Community checkbox


504/Commercial category records:

Eligibility menu > Public Policy tab > Low to Moderate Income Debenture (LMI) checkbox

Project Opportunity Zone

7a category records:

Eligibility menu > Policy tab > Located in an Opportunity Zone checkbox


504/Commercial category records:

Eligibility menu > Public Policy tab > Opportunity Zone checkbox

Project Promise Zone Eligibility menu > Policy tab > Located in a Promise Zone checkbox Checkbox visible in 7a category records only
Project State Overview menu > General tab > Project Property Address section > State field  
Project Street Overview menu > General tab > Project Property Address section > Street field  
Project Type Overview menu > General Tab > Purpose dropdown field  
Project Workforce LMI Eligibility menu > Policy tab > More than 50 percent of the business's workforce is low-income or resides in an LMI census tract checkbox Checkbox visible in 7a category records only
Project Zip Overview menu > General tab > Project Property Address section > Zip field  
Special Purpose Financing menu > Project Costs tab > Special Purpose check box This field is available in 504/7a category loan records only


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