Jan 13, 2024
You can view the Tickler Process History or the results of a specific tickler processing event.
To view your tickler processing history:
- Click on Reports & Letters in the Menu at the top of the screen.
- Click on Ticklers in the menu on the left.
- Click on Process History in the submenu that appears.
The process history table will load. You you can use this table to view when the tickler was processed, who processed it, the total ticklers processed, whether the process was successful, and/or if an error was encountered.
For further information on the ticklers processed for a specific record in the table:
- Click on the hyperlinked Added On date/time to access the Process History for a specific record.
The specifics for the tickler processing record will load.
- You can use the search bar to search by Tickler Name, Log Number, or Type
- you can Sort the Tickler Name, Log Number, and Type columns by clicking on the column headers. First click sorts A-Z, Second click sorts Z-A, and Third click removes the filter
- Access each process record individually by clicking on the hyperlinked Tickler Name for additional information.
- Easily access your loan by clicking on the hyperlinked Log Number which will redirect you to the Loan > Tracking > Ticklers menu.
- Check the Email Status for Ticklers set to email.
- Download All documents that were attached to the ticklers processed by clicking on the Download All button
- Send All Emails by clicking on the Send All button, this will resend all Emails.