Dec 18, 2024
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Site Administrators need to set up ODFI origination details for NACHA files. This is done in the administration section of Ventures.
- Click the cog/gear wheel icon to access the Administration menu
- In the Administration section click on Reference in the menu on the left a submenu will appear.
- In the submenu click Payments, another submenu will appear.
- In the payments submenu click ODFI Originator
- The ODFI Originator page will load, you will see a table with any originators you have already set up appear. Click Add. A pop up will appear.
- In the pop up fill in the ODFI Name field with the ODFI name of the company you submit the NACHA file to for processing. You should already have entered them in Ventures, in the Companies section. If you have not, you can select the Add New link in the field and create them. If you are creating a new company make sure you fill in the routing number field at the bottom of the pop up.
- Next select the Organization name you want associated with the ODFI. The dropdown pulls the list of Organizations from the Organization menu of the administration settings. If you have multiple organizations who will be submitting NACHA files, make sure you set up an ODFI originator for each one.
- In the Originator Identifier field, enter the identifier provided by the Originator. It is usually a unique 1-3 digit code followed by their tax id.
Before you click save, you should check if the company designated as the ODFI in the ODFI Name field has a routing number entered. It is important that they have a routing number entered.
- Click the name of the Company in the ODFI Name field. A pop up will appear.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the pop up to the Identifier section and check if there is a Routing Number filled in. If you do not see one enter it and click save.
- You will return to the pop up where you selected the ODFI Name, the Organization and the Originator Identifier. Review the information entered and click save.
Repeat this for every Organization in your system that submits NACHA files.
Checking a Routing Number:
- Navigate to the ODFI Originator page as instructed above.
- Click the ODFI Name in the table to access the Edit ODFI Originator pop up. It looks the same as the Add ODFI Originator pop up pictured above.
- Click the name listed in the ODFI Name field, the Edit Lender pop up will appear, pictured above.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the pop up to the Identifier section and check if there is a Routing Number filled in. If you do not see one enter it and click save.
- You will return to the pop up with the ODFI Name, the Organization and the Originator Identifier. Review the information entered and click save.