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Home > Release Notes > Release Notes - 2024-05-14
Release Notes - 2024-05-14
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SBA Lenders - ETRAN data related updates as of 5/14

Due to recent changes related to SBA Form 1919, and future anticipated changes for SBA Form 1244, the SBA has made some updates on ETRAN that have affected the data Ventures will send. Lenders should review the items below to be aware of the changes and how it will affect their application in ETRAN.



  • Controlling Interest indication (Entity record > Entity Contact > General tab > Control field)
    • Ventures will send Controlling Interest = YES for all principals with 20% or more ownership in projects that have no principals with 51% or more ownership, regardless if those principals have the Control field checked or not.
    • Ventures will also send Controlling Interest = YES for all principals that have the Control field checked.
  • Exporter Companies and Projects (Entity Record > Eligibility tab > Export section)
    • The Export section has been enabled for EPC, OC’s and any entity marked Co-Borrower. Previously, this section was only available for Primary Operating Companies (POC). Ventures will send data from this section to ETRAN for entities considered Borrowers.
  • Eligibility/Lender Certification change (Submitting an application for 7a/504 > Submission Questions section)
    • An additional Eligibility certification, 'XXXX Lender certifies that all Eligibility requirements have been satisfied,' has been added to the existing Lender Certification question. The Lender will answer YES or NO once for both certifications. 



  • Additional SBA Form 1919 Questions will be sent to the ETRAN application (Entity Record > SBA 1919 tab)
    • SBA 1919 tab > Question #3
    • SBA 1919 tab > Question #4
    • SBA 1919 tab > Question #6



SBA 504 Lenders - Updated NADCO 327 Templates

Ventures is working closely with the NADCO team to bring you the updated versions of the NADCO 327 Templates.  As a reminder, it is always best practice for the lender to review the templates to ensure they adhere to the request and make any modifications, as needed.  Since the 327 Templates have converted over to Web Templates, Ventures users now have the ability to copy the Web Template and further customize, if needed.  Please review the KB article labeled Copying Web Templates for steps on how to copy.

  • NADCO 327 Templates #2 - #11 have been updated and published as Web Templates
  • The updated versions of #2 - #11 can be generated from within a 504 loan > Documents > Generate > Filter: Closing > NADCO 327 > System
  • Important Note: Generating the 327 Templates #'s 2-11 from within the Closing Requirements > Post Approval Action menu will generate the OLD Word version of the templates.


SBA Lenders - Borrower Contributions and Injections changes

We now support the ability to enter Borrower Injections on 504 Loans. Some changes we made apply to the injection screens on non-504 loans as well. For 504 loan purposes, a Borrower Contribution is the standard contribution by a borrower for a 504 loan. It is typically 10% of the loan total, though it can be higher. A Borrower Injection occurs when SBA or the Lender requires the Borrower to inject additional funds to their business as a whole for reasons besides the standard Contribution. There are a variety of reasons the SBA or Lender may require the Borrower to do this (i.e. to meet an equity ratio). Borrower Injections can be entered on the Borrower Injection tab for 504 loans. See this KB article for more. See this KB article to help determine the difference between a Borrower Contribution and a Borrower Injection for 504 loans. 


For non-504 loans, Providing Company/Contact and Receiving Company/Contact fields were added to all Injections on non-504 loans. Amortization Type and 1st Payment Due were added to non-504 borrowed type injections as well. Now, the experience should be more clear and consistent for all loan types. 


SBA Lenders - Default Liquidation Percentage for Equipment Collateral Instructions

Are you aware of how to adjust the default liquidation percentages for Equipment Collateral? Your Site Administrator can follow these instructions to make the necessary updates:

1. Navigate to Administration.
2. Select Reference from the left-hand menu.
3. Choose Collateral from the Reference submenu.
4. Click on Collateral Types within the Collateral submenu.
5. Locate the Collateral Type within the grid or by searching using the search bar. Select the Collateral type by clicking on the hyperlinked type. This will prompt a pop-up window to appear. 
6. Within the pop-up, modify the Default Liquidation %.
7. Save your changes by clicking on the "Save" button.
8. Repeat these steps for all relevant Collateral types.


504 Lenders - Lease-Related Collateral Fields added to Real Estate Tab

Ventures added the "Collateral exists on leased premises:" dropdown from CAFS to Ventures. It is labeled "Leased Premises Type" and located at the bottom of the Real Estate tab when you select a Collateral Type that is mapped to a leased SBA collateral type. (Loan > Collateral > Real Estate)


IRS W-9 newest version available

We have added the newest version of the IRS form W9 to Ventures. IRS Form W9 - No Address document will generate without information filled out in Line 5 and Line 6. We made some of the merging data logic "smarter" from the last version to be more in line with IRS Form instructions, depending on business entity type.

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