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Home > Training > Ventures > Overview Menus > Financing > Is this a Borrower Contribution or a Borrower Injection?
Is this a Borrower Contribution or a Borrower Injection?
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Not sure how to enter financial data for Borrowers? This article will help you decide. 


A Borrower Contribution is the standard contribution by a borrower of a 504 loan. It is typically 10% of the loan total, though it can be higher.


When exported to ETRAN this data appears on the "Application Info" screen in the horizontal box labeled "Borrower Contributions". If this is where your data should end up, you are trying to enter a Borrower Contribution



This information is entered in Ventures on the Financing > Financing Sources tab.



If the financing data you need to enter for the Borrower is not part of the Borrower Contribution as described above, it may be a Borrower Injection. 


A Borrower Injection occurs when SBA or the Lender requires the Borrower to inject additional funds to their business as a whole for reasons besides the standard Contribution as described above. There are a variety of reasons the SBA or Lender may require the Borrower to do this (i.e. to meet an equity ratio). These additional funds are Borrower Injections. 


When exported to ETRAN this data appears on the "Application Info" screen. The Borrower Injection required box will be set to Yes when the export contains Borrower Injection data. A table will appear containing the Injection data. This is where your detailed Borrower Injection data will appear in ETRAN.



This information is entered in Ventures on the Financing > Borrower Injection tab. 



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