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The users menu will contain a list of all the users in your system. It will tell you at the top of the screen how many active users you have, and how many available user spots you have. Site Administrators can access the User page.
- Click on the Cog/Gear wheel icon in the menu at the top of the screen to access the Administration menu.
- Click User Access in the menu on the left.
- Click Users.
You can search for users using the search bar.
The gear icon can be used to add additional columns to the table view that may be useful like the Locked Out column.
- Click on the gear icon
- Click on the name of the column to add it to your table view.
To add a user, you must not have exceeded your user limit. You can review it at the top of the page. If you have reached your limit, but would like to add additional users, please contact support. If you do have enough free spots:
- Click Add. The add user pop up will appear, in the user name field, enter the username for the account you are creating.
- The API user checkbox is not for everyday use. It will be used during setup of specific software applications that need to call the API. Ignore this checkbox unless otherwise instructed by someone from the support team.
- Ensure the Active checkbox is checked. If unchecked the account will be disabled and the user will not be able to log in.
- If the person you are adding is already entered as a Contact, use the contact field to search for the person you are adding as a user. As you type their email or name in the field, the dropdown should filter contact records to display the correct one. If you have not added them to your contacts, click add new and create them as a contact in the pop up that appears. Make sure you add their email address, when you create their account, an email will be sent to the them with a link to create their password.
- You can set a time zone for the user. This can be helpful if you have offices in multiple time zones, or people who work remotely.
- The theme dropdown lets you choose a theme for the users ventures account. You can choose from the default blue, a red option or a green option.
- The logout after minutes should be set. It is the automatic log out timer and is an important safety feature. The time you select in this dropdown menu will dictate how long the system will be inactive before it logs out automatically.
- The Job Roles field allows the user to be assigned to job roles. Throughout Ventures, there are fields for you to note who is performing what role on the loan. Users who have the corresponding job role checked in this section will appear as options in the relevant sections across Ventures. For example, setting a user as a Loan Officer will allow them to be selected as a loan officer on the Partner Contacts page. You can assign a user to more than one role.
- The last field on the page is the Permission field. This field determines what access privileges the user account will have. It is important you select the correct access privileges for the user account. You can find out more about permission sets by clicking here.
- Click the preferences tab. You can use this tab if you want the system to display an unexplained net worth variation warning when this account is editing financial statements.
- Click Save.
The system will send the account activation email. You will return to the user table. You should see the account you have created added to the list of users.
If the user does not receive the account activation email you can resend the activation email.
- Click on hyperlinked name of the user in the user account table. The edit user account pop up will appear.
- Click the resend account activation email at the bottom of the pop up.
The email will resend and you will see a confirmation message at the top of the pop up.
- Click save to exit the pop up.
To mark a user inactive:
- Click on their hyperlinked name in the user account table. The edit account pop up will appear.
- Uncheck the active check box, this will mark the user inactive.
- Click save, you will return to the user account table. The number of active users should decrease by one. By marking a user inactive, they will no longer have access to your system, but any records they were a part of will not be affected. Notify Ventures via Support Ticket in order to update your billing for the next month.
In general, we do not recommend deleting a user account. Doing so will affect any loans the user interacted with in the system. Instead if the user is no longer part of your organization, mark their account inactive using the steps above. This will prevent errors from occurring in files they have already worked on and it will cut off their access to Ventures immediately. They will not be able to log in with an inactive account. The inactive account will not count towards your total number of active accounts.