Jan 13, 2024
The Risk Ratings section in the Analysis menu allows you to enter your risk ratings for the loan.
- Click on Analysis in the loan overview menu.
- Click on Risk Rating in the submenu that appears
- Click Add to start adding a risk rating.
- The Add Risk Rating pop up will appear. If you are going to use a risk rating template, select the worksheet radio button. If you are going to perform a manual risk rating, select the loan performance radio button.
If you select worksheet:
- Select the risk rating template you wish to use. Your site administrators set up risk ratings templates in the administration section, instructions for that can be found here.
- If there are financial spreads in the financial statements section, you will be able to select them in the spread analysis dropdown menu.
- Finally set the reviewed date, if it will automatically default to today’s date. The reviewer will default to the user.
- Review your information then click save. The pop up will close and the risk rating worksheet template you selected will appear.
- At the top of the sheet you will be able to select a financial statement if there are any entered in the system. Make your choice from the drop down menu.
- Enter the years covered by the data.
- You can also set whether to use proforma calculations or not.
- When you select the statement and fill in any relevant fields you need to fill in, click the Load button for it to load.
- Go through the worksheet and select the score you wish to assign to each section. Enter any comments if you need to.
- When you finish filling scores for the various sections, review the summary in the last section of the sheet.
- The grade will calculate automatically based on your scoring and the template settings. You can override the grade using the override check box.
- This difficulty field is used to identify the overall difficulty in underwriting the loan. Lender determine different levels of difficulty, your internal policies will dictate what you enter in this field.
- Fill in the "approved date" fields and the "approved by fields" as needed.
- Click Save when you finish filling out your sheet.
- Click on Risk Ratings in the Analysis submenu again to see your risk rating entry in the table.
If you select Loan Performance:
- The only other options you will have to fill out are the date and reviewer.
- Click save. The pop up will disappear and the risk rating sheet will load.
- The sheet presents you with a list of grades and a space to explain your rating, along with the relevant date fields and fields to capture who performed the review.
- Remember to click save after making your changes.