Jan 13, 2024
This article covers processing ticklers in an individual loan file. For instructions on how to bulk process ticklers, please click here.
- Click on Tracking in the Overview page of the loan
- Click on Ticklers in the submenu that appears.
Before you process a tickler, it is important to understand Tickler Statuses as they determine whether the tickler can be processed or not.
- Ticklers with a status of No action are not due, or items for them have been received. You cannot process the tickler at the current time.
- Ticklers with a status of Completed are ticklers that have been 100% completed. They will not continue to track or perform actions. You cannot process completed ticklers.
- Ticklers with a status of Pending have tracking items that are due and require you to update the tickler.
- Click on the status to update the tickler. A pop up will appear.
- In the pop up you update the tickler with a new notification date. Based on what item the tickler is tracking, you can also change the next due date for the item in this pop up. Note: Checking the Completed checkbox will render the tickler inactive. It will no longer continue to track the item it is set up to track. Only use the completed check box when the tickler is no longer need.
- Click update tickler to update the information. The pop up will disappear and you should see the status of the tickler change from Pending to No Action.
- Click on the status to update the tickler. A pop up will appear.
- Ticklers with a status of Due are overdue and the tickler action will be carried out if there is one set.
- Click on the word Due.
- If the action is set to email, you will see some options to select:
- Preview Mode: Selecting Yes allows you to view the relevant documents associated with the Tickler without Processing/Advancing the Tickler.
- Combine Like Emails: Selecting Yes allows you to send a single email with all documents addressed to the same contact as attachments. For example: if you have an insurance broker/agent that services 5 loans in your portfolio they will receive 1 email with 5 attachments instead of 5 separate emails if this is set to Yes.
- Force Print Mode: Select Yes to download documents instead of email when your action is set to email.
- Format: Select the format in which you'd like to send the document or view the document. (Tip: if emailing a document choose PDF as the format).
- Make your selections and click continue. The tickler will process. You will see a summary explaining whether the tickler process was successful or not and how many emails were created as a result.
- Click on the word Due.
If emails are not the action you have set up:
- A pop up will appear with more limited selections from the list above. Make your choices and click continue.
- The tickler will process. You will see a summary of how it processed.
- For phone call actions:
- Click the edit icon in the summary. A pop up will appear with the phone number of the person who needs to be contacted and a space to enter notes regarding the call.
- Fill in information regarding what happened on the call, then click Mark as Complete to mark the call as completed.
- You will return to the previous pop up. You should see a strikethrough the action you marked as complete. Click Ok.
- Click the edit icon in the summary. A pop up will appear with the phone number of the person who needs to be contacted and a space to enter notes regarding the call.
- For internal reminder actions, after you click Due a pop up will appear:
- You will be presented with a selection of options described above in the email section. Make your selection and click Continue. The pop up will change
- Click the edit icon in the summary. A pop up will appear with space for you to enter notes.
- Fill in notes for the reminder if you need to, then click Mark as Complete to mark the reminder as completed.
- You will return to the previous pop up. You should see a strikethrough the action you marked as complete. Click Ok.
- You will be presented with a selection of options described above in the email section. Make your selection and click Continue. The pop up will change
- For phone call actions: