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Adding a Company
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Before you add a company, we highly recommend you navigate to the Companies page and search for the company. If they are already in your system, then do not create them. This will help prevent duplicates. If you do not find a record for them, then continue with adding them.


To add a company, you have two options:

  •  You can click the Add button on the Companies main menu page


  • You can click the “Add new” option in the dropdown of any field in which you select a Company. This way you can add a company directly while working on a loan, instead of having to interrupt your process to click Add on the Companies main menu.


Whether you click add on the main menu, or add new from a field, the add new company pop up will appear.

You are creating the company’s record in Ventures. Think of it like their business card. In Ventures we refer to these records as virtual cards. You can learn more about the importance of virtual cards by clicking here.

  • Fill in the company’s name. Select their role in the role field. Add an email address if you want to email the company directly from within Ventures. Ensure they are marked active. If the active check box is not checked they will not appear as an option through your Ventures site.
  • Make sure you enter a role for the company. Companies can only have one role assigned to them. Roles dictate the fields the company will be available for selection in. For example, if you select Attorney firm, you will be able to select the company in any field in which Ventures expects a law firm, like the Closing Law Firm field on the partner contacts page.
  • The custom fields tab will only appear if your site administrator has assigned custom fields to this section. If the tab appear click it to fill out any relevant fields you need to. If no custom fields are assigned, the tab will not be visible.
  • Once you finish filling out the fields click save.


If you were creating the company from the companies menu page, the pop up will disappear and you will return to the companies main menu table.

If you clicked “Add new” to add the company, when you click save, you will return to the process you were in, where you had to select a company. The company that you created will be filled in to the field you were working on.

If you use the “Add new” feature, your popup may look slightly different, depending on where you clicked add new. For example, if we click add new in the Closing Law Firm field of partner contacts and add the company, you will notice that there is no field to select a role for the contact. This is because the system knows you are adding a law firm and so it will automatically assign the role to the company you are creating.

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