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Merging Companies
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The merge company function should only be used in instances where there are one or more duplicate records for a company, which have already been used as part of a loan package.

Since the duplicate records have already been used, do not delete them. Instead use the merge function.

Click on the Companies in the main menu.


  • Filter the table till you can see the records of the company you would like to merge. You can merge as many company records as you need to.
  • Select the records to be merged by checking the box in their corresponding row. Every record you check will be part of the merge process. Make sure you include only the company records you want to merge.
  • Once you have made your selection and reviewed that you have selected the relevant companies, click the merge button. If you do not see the merge button, it means your account does not have the necessary access levels to merge company records. Please contact your Site Administrator. They can merge the companies for you, direct you to someone whose account does have access, or adjust your access levels.

  • A pop up will appear asking you to set the Destination company. This is the contact that will remain after the merge process. You will see how many contacts are related to the company, along with when the company was added, and the name of the user who added them. Make your selection. Remember, the company record you select here will remain. All data and information from the unselected companies will be merged to the contact you are selecting.
  • Review your selection and click merge.


The pop up will disappear, you should see confirmation message that the merge was successful. You will return to the company main menu table. The companies will have been merged. You should only be able to find the record you selected as the destination company in the table.

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