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Home > Support > Ventures > HTML Error: Copying and pasting text into Narratives
HTML Error: Copying and pasting text into Narratives
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Users need to be cognizant when copying and pasting text into Ventures narrative boxes. Copying and pasting text into the narrative can bring in hidden characters or elements that the user may not see. This could cause an error when generating documents or reports that include narrative boxes fields/merge fields. An example error message you may see is "Error exists in the HTML for field XXXX." It is highly recommended to type manually into the narrative boxes, instead. It is also recommended that you do not copy and paste images into the narrative boxes, as you may run into errors when generating documents or reports. 


Options to take when copying and pasting text into narratives:

  • After pasting text, highlight the entire narrative box (Ctrl+A)
  • Click on the "Clean Formatting" icon (Broom image)
  • Click Save
  • This will strip the formatting of the text and you may need to reformat inside the narrative
  • If this does not work, and you run into an error indicating the specific narrative for the specific loan, you will need to delete everything out and retype manually



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