Feb 13, 2025
This article will provide a general overview of how to:
- Add Insurance Types (Site Administrator function)
- Create an Insurance Tracking Record
- System Insurance Letters
- System Insurance Reports
- You may also view the video here
Adding Insurance Types: Insurance Types are Custom and can be added by your Site Administrator. To Add Insurance Types:
- Site Administrator Access click the cog/gear wheel icon to access the Administration menu > Reference > Collateral > Insurance Types
- Select the Green Add button to Add a new Insurance Type, make sure that the Active box is checked, then click Save
- Your newly added Insurance Type will appear in the Insurance types grid and will be listed as a selection option within the Insurance Type drop down when adding a Tracking > Insurance record.
Adding an Insurance Tracking record: Your loan must be in Approved or Funded status in order to view the Tracking menu and add an Insurance Tracking record.
From the Approved / Funded loan record:
- Access the Tracking > Insurance menu
- Click on the Green Add button
- A pop up will appear and you may begin to input your Insurance Tracking data (Note: you may also Add A Tickler directly from this menu). Don’t worry if you miss adding the Tickler from this screen you will still have the opportunity to add it at a later time from within the Tracking > Ticklers menu. We suggest getting familiar with Ticklers first and setting up your Tickler Templates before adding any Ticklers.
- The only required field within this menu is the Insurance Type, to ensure proper tracking we suggest that you complete all or as much information as possible. Your tracking is only as good as your data input.
- Select your Insurance Type from the drop down and continue to add the Insurance tracking data. (Reminder, if you don't see your Insurance Type listed ask your Site Administrator for assistance. Site Admin may access the KB article labeled Adding Insurance Types for guidance.
- The Expiration Date is very important and is used for Ticklers, generation of letters, and Reports
- Note that the Mortgagee Clause text box allows for Snippets. Snippets are templates that can be used within certain text fields throughout Ventures and can assist with Consistency and minimize user error. (Snippets are permission driven and may be added by your Site Administrator from within Administration > Reference > Text Snippets) You may also view the KB article labeled Creating Text Snippets.
- After confirming your data input click on Save to save your data
- The Insurance Tracking record has been created and will now appear on the Insurance grid.
- The Insurance grid provides you with a quick glance of the data that has been input such as whether or not a Tickler is attached, the Type of Insurance, Address, Amount….
- To access the Insurance record click on the hyperlinked Type name
Generating Insurance Letter Templates from within the loan record:
- From within your loan access the Documents Menu > Generate Tab
- Tip: Use the filters to narrow down your search based on Phase, Category, System document. Choosing All Phases and System will ensure that your search result includes all System Documents within All Phases.
- Enter a keyword such as Insurance to generate a search for Insurance documents
- Click on the hyperlinked Form name to access the document. Note: Additional criteria may appear based on the letter being generated.
- Add the criteria requested if applicable (if left blank the letter will still generate but may be missing data sets).
- Select the Destination type, Download, Email, merge in Word or PDF format
- Select Next to generate the document in the respective format chosen in step 7.