Sometimes a loan doesn't end up fitting a certain loan program. In those instances you would want to change the Loan Type to match the loan program. To change the Loan Type follow these steps: * Click Overview in the Loan's Overview Menu. * The General tab will load by default. * Click on the hyperlinked Loan…
You can create your own custom Loan Types using one of the 3 templates that Ventures has to offer (504; 7a; or Commercial). To add a Loan Type: * Click the cog/gear wheel in the menu at the top of the screen to access the Administration page. * When the Administration page loads, click Reference in the menu on t…
Click here to return to the foundational webinar hub page. The video below and the attachments to this article cover using the Administration section of Ventures. Please note that the Administration section of Ventures can only be accessed by each organization's assigned Site Administrators. Viewing Tips:…