Jan 14, 2024
The Rejects/Delinquencies menu can be used to track reasons for rejections/delinquencies against the loan. It appears in the Tracking Overview menu of the loan when the loan is in funded status. You can automatically import ACH Rejects from CSA reports by following the instructions here.
In a loan in Funded status:
- Click Tracking in the menu on the left.
- Click Rejects/Delinquencies.
- Click Add, the Add Reject/Delinquency pop up will appear.
- Enter the CSA report date. The remaining fields the CSA Posting Date, CSA Rejected Date, Last Paid Date, Payment Due Date and Collector Payment Posted Date are all optional. The amount section contains fields that let you record the Last Paid Fee, Total Due, any late Fees, the Collected Amount, and Rejection reason. It also contains a field for you to enter an explanation if you select Other as the rejection reason.
- When you finish filling out the information you need to, click save.
To edit a record:
- Click the report date and the edit pop up will appear. It is similar to the add reject/delinquency popup. Make the edits you need to and click save.
To delete a record:
- Click the X next to the record.
- Confirm that you want to delete the record in the pop up by clicking the delete button.