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Transaction Level Reporting
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 Some TLR fields have some extra steps you need to take to ensure your data is accurate. Click here to read an article covering this.

You can access a list of TLR fields and where they map to in Ventures by downloading the pdf attached to this article. It is titled "TLR Ventures Field Mapping"


You can now use Ventures for Transaction Level Reporting. 


Enabling Transaction Level Reporting per Loan Type

By default, Transaction Level Reporting features will be disabled. Site administrators will need to specify which loan types will be used for transaction level reporting.

To enable Transaction Level reporting, you will need to be a site administrator. Log in to your ventures account.

  • Click on administration in the menu at the top of the screen. When the administration menu loads, click on the reference menu option in the menu on the left side of the screen. From the sub menu that loads, click Loan. From the loan sub menu, click on loan types.
  • Select the loan type from the list that you would like to enable Transaction Level Reporting for. You can use the search bar to search for the loan type. When you find the loan type, click on it’s name.



  • The edit loan type popup will appear. In the popup click the tab labeled TLR Reporting. In the TLR tab click the check box next to the option labeled Enable this loan type for CDFI Transaction Level Reporting.



  • You will then need to fill in the Transaction Type Field. The Amortization Type, Equity-Like Features and the Forgivable Loan fields will activate based on your selection in the Transaction Type Field. Use the drop-down menu to select your desired settings.
  • When you finish, click save.


Assigning Project Type to their TLR Purpose

Next the administrator will need to assign project types to their TLR purpose. This ensures loans are reported accurately based on existing fields in ventures.

You will need to be in the administration menu.

  • Click on Administration. In the administration menu click reference, From the sub menu that loads, click Loan. From the loan sub menu click Purpose Types.
  • Click on the name of a project type you need to assign.


  • In the popup that appears use the TLR purpose drop down menu to select the TLR purpose you would like the project type to map to. Then click save.



  • Do this with all project types that could be used in a loan that has TLR reporting enabled.


Exporting TLR Data


Now let’s look at exporting TLR data for submission to AMIS.


  • Click on utilities in the menu at the top of the screen. When the utilities page load, click the exports option in the menu on the left, then click CDFI TLR.


  • The page will load every loan that fits the filter criteria. You can use the cog or gear icon drop down menu to add or remove columns from the table
  • Use the filters next to the export button to filter by loan type, organization and to filter for specific periods with a start date and end date.  You must use the organization field, and the period start and end date fields or you will not be able to export. The loan type field is optional.
  • When you have narrowed it down, click the export button.



  • A popup will appear asking you to specify which reporting year you would like the export to be for. Enter the year you would like then click export.

  • The system will generate and download a zip file. In the zip file you will find a csv for Projects and a csv for Addresses, formatted according to the CDFI templates.



New TLR Fields

When a loan type has TLR reporting enabled, it maps existing fields to the TLR export and it adds additional fields to a variety of screens where TLR specific data can be entered. We’ll go through the new fields now. You do not have to be a system administrator to see the new fields. Remember you will only see the new sections and fields if the loan type is set to enable TLR reporting.

  • We can see the first set of new fields right on the main loan page in the general tab. When you are in the loan scroll down to the project property address section. The latitude and longitude fields are new they will auto populate based on the project property address.

  • Click on Eligibility in the menu on the left then click General from the sub menu that appears. Next click the occupancy tab. The project property location details section has been updated and the housing units section has been added to incorporate TLR data points.

  • The next section we will look at is the Public Policy section. This is found on the same screen as the occupancy tab. Click Eligibility, then general from the sub menu, then click the public policy tab. Clicking on the Public Policy tab will show you the new section titled Target Populations. Depending on the size of your screen you may have to scroll down to see it.


  • Moving to the Jobs tab, we can see another new section. The jobs tab is located in the same spot as the Occupancy and public policy tab. Click the data for the record you would like to add data to. In the popup that appears you will see a section labeled Jobs TLR reporting. This is the new section.



  • A new tab can be seen here the Impact tab. This is tab is only available for loans with TLR reporting enabled.

  • Now lets move to another new section the Ownership Demographic section. To access this click the entities menu option in the menu on the left side of the screen. Click the entity name whose ownership demographic you would like to access. When the entities page loads, click the Eligibility tab. This tab contains the ownership demographic section.


The next few sections are all related to Company contacts. To get to a company contact:

  • Click entities in the menu on the left. Then click the name of the company whose contacts you would like to access. Scroll down to the bottom of the company page and you will see a list of company contacts. Click the name of the contact you would like to access. This will take you to the company contact page.

  • The first updated section can be seen right on the general tab of the company contact page. In the financial history section, you can specify if the owner is Banked at the time of intake using the drop down menu.

  • The next additions to a section can be seen under the background tab. Click the background tab then scroll down to the Citizenship & Demographic section. The Female-Headed Household and Low-Income status fields are the new additions here.


  • Moving to the Credit and Identification tab, the credit score category field is the new addition here.

Please remember if you enter any data into any field on any page, you must click save before navigating away! If you move to another page after entering data and you have not clicked save, none of the data you entered will be saved.


 Some TLR fields have some extra steps you need to take to ensure your data is accurate. Click here to read an article covering this.

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