***This KB article is for Payments clients that use the Metro2 Credit Reporting module***
Q: How do I set up an account for reporting?
A: In the Payments Menu > Credit Reporting (Metro2) > Manage Accounts menu you will be able to set up accounts for credit reporting. The Manage Accounts grid lists all boarded payment accounts within Payments. Find the account you want to add and follow these steps:
1. Click on the Edit Icon
2. You will be redirected back to the Payments > Credit Reporting menu of the loan record
3. Complete the appropriate fields regarding account ***Account Type and Account status MUST be set for the account to be included in Metro2 reporting, all other fields need to managed in accordance with Metro2 reporting requirements***
4. Add Owners to be reported (must have: “primary” reporting owner and Reporting Code- all others should be marked secondary with appropriate Reporting Code)
5. Click Save
6. You will know your account has been added to reporting by going back to Payments Menu > Credit Reporting (Metro2) > Manage Accounts menu and seeing the Included column checked off for that record
Q: How do I remove an account from reporting?
A: Go to Payments menu > Credit Reporting within the loan you would like to remove from credit reporting and follow these steps:
1. In Credit Reporting Settings tab, change Account Type to -Not Set-
2. Click Save
3. This action will remove the entire account from the next generated report and any future reports
Q: How do I generate a monthly report?
A: You will want to generate the reports in chronological order. If regenerating a report for a month, delete the same previously generated report first, then follow these steps:
1. Go to Payments Menu > Credit Reporting (Metro2) > Generate Report menu
2. Click Generate button
3. Add As of Date
4. Add Threshold Amount (see help text at bottom of screenshot)
5. Add Threshold Days Overdue (see help text at bottom of screenshot)
6. Click Generate
7. You will see the created report within the Generate Report grid
Q: What should I do after generating the report?
A: It is best practice to review the warnings (if any) in the newly generated report before exporting
1. In the Payments Menu > Credit Reporting (Metro2) > Generate Report menu, click on the hyperlink of the report
2. Click on the Report Tab
3. Click on the Warnings column to find the any warnings on accounts (you may need to click twice to sort properly)
4. Click on the Warnings icon
5. Review possible issues with an account
6. You will need to go to the Payments menu > Credit Reporting menu of any loan to make corrections
7. You can then export the report by clicking on the hyperlink of the report and clicking Export