Nov 04, 2024
The CSA Imports menu is found under Data > Imports > SBA. The SBA menu opens two CSA options - 504 Balances and 504 Delinquencies. They function in the same manner, make sure you select the option that matches what you are trying to import: balances or delinquencies.
You can import files that are .txt or .csv
If you are using note pad to save your file from the Wells Fargo website, when you are saving your file, make sure you have the option “Format -> Word Wrap” unchecked before you save the file. If you do not uncheck this option, the file will not be importable.
To begin the process:
- Click on Data in the main menu.
- Click on the Import hyperlink menu then the SBA drop down arrow. In the SBA submenu, make sure you select CSA 504 Balances or CSA 504 Delinquencies.
- Click the Select or Drop files button to select the file you wish to import. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the file into the box to start the upload process.
- The file will appear and the upload process will occur. Once the file has been successfully uploaded, you will see a done message, and the import button will appear.
- Click import. You will see a message stating the import was complete
- If you are importing a 504 Balance, you will find the imported information in the Financing loan menu on the financing tab. Click the SBA 504 Debenture record. Click the Servicing Tab. This is where the imported balance information appears.
- If you are importing a 504 Delinquency, the import will appear in the tracking loan menu. Click on Tracking in the loan menu that click Reject/Delinquencies. The table will display the imported data. Click on the hyperlinked request date to edit the data.