This page allows you to add additional risk rating grades. You can also modify pre-existing risk rating grades. Items entered here appear in the risk ratings area of loans in Ventures and as part of the risk rating template set up on the Worksheet Templates page. You have to be a Site Administrator to access this page.
- Click on the cog/gear wheel icon in the menu at the top of the screen to access the Administration menu at the top of the screen.
- When the Administration page loads, click on Reference in the menu on the left.
- In the Reference submenu click Risk Rating.
- In the Risk Rating submenu, click Loan Grades
- To add a Loan Grade click Add.
- The Add Risk Grade pop up will appear. Enter a name for the grade you are creating. This is the name that will appear in the risk ratings sheets. Usually it is a letter or number, use your internal policy to label it to fit your needs.
- Set the Gross Score Minimum in the Gross Score Minim field. This is the minimum scoring value for the loan grade being created. This score is used within Risk Rate Worksheet. This is where you specify the minimum scores for auto-calculated grades. Please use your Internal Policies and Procedures guide to determine what values to enter here.
- The Months Between Reviews field allows you to set the months for reviews to be different from one Grade to another. This will then allow you to rate loans that require more oversight on a more frequent basis. It also allows for the review date to be auto filled once a review takes place. Please use your Internal Policies and Procedures guide to determine what values to enter here.
- Mark the grade active. If the active box is not checked, the grade you are creating will not be available.
- The description is the name that will correspond with the grade.
- Once you finish filling out the pop up click save.
The pop up will disappear. You will return to the Risk Rating Loan Grades page, you should see the grade you have just created listed in the table.
To edit a grade:
- Click the hyperlinked grade. The edit grade popup will appear. It is identical to the create a grade pop up pictured above.
- Make your edits and click save.
In general, we do not recommend deleting grades, instead if you want to remove a grade as an option in your system, mark it inactive:
- Click on the grades name.
- Uncheck the active box.
- Click save.
This will remove the grade from selection in Ventures, but will not affect loans ratings it has already been used in.