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Utilities Overview Menu
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The Utilities menu  allows you to copy, export or delete a specific loan. You can access the Utilities menu from the loan's overview menu.

  • Click Utilities in the overview menu for a loan.

When the Utilities menu loads you will be presented with several options.


Copying a loan

To copy the loan:

  • Click the copy button. A pop up will appear. 


  • Confirm that you want to copy the loan by clicking copy in the confirmation pop up.



  • The page will refresh and load the Overview page for the copied loan. You can tell it is the copied loan by looking at the source system field.


Exporting a loan for use in Ventures

You can export the loan file for use in Ventures using the Export to File button. This will generate a file that can be imported into Ventures, allowing someone external to work on the loan. For example some clients use an external closing attorney, if they also use Ventures, you can export the loan file using the Export to File button, and if they also use Ventures, they will be able to import the file and start working on the loan.

Note: This is a one way export. For example, if you work with an external Closing Attorney, when you hand them the export file and they import it and start working on it in their own Ventures site, their changes will not reflect in your Ventures site. Any changes you make to the loan file will not reflect in their system. The export is a snapshot of the loan at the moment you click the export button. Your site is not linked to any other sites. Remember, changes made by the Attorney will not reflect in your site. Changes you make will not reflect on their site.

  • Click the Export to File button.

  • A pop up will appear. Select what data from the loan you would like to export. Make sure to choose only what you need to export in this popup. The more you choose, the long the export will take.
  • Click Export


The loan will start exporting. You have the option to cancel the export process by clicking the cancel button located under the exporting progress bar.

The export will download a zip file. Leave the file zipped. The zip file is what will be used to import the loan into your partner’s Ventures system. Send the zip file to your colleague. They can use the import loan feature to import it.

Exporting a loan for use in LaserPro

If you are handing the loan file to someone who uses LaserPro, you can use the Export to LaserPro button to export the loan file in a format that LaserPro can import.

Note: This is a one way export. For example, if you work with an external Closing Attorney, when you hand them the export file and they import it and start working on it in their LaserPro system, their changes will not reflect in your Ventures site. Any changes you make to the loan file will not reflect in their system. The export is a snapshot of the loan at the moment you click the export button. Your site is not linked to any other sites. Remember, changes made by the Attorney will not reflect in your site. Changes you make will not reflect on their site.

  • Click the Export to Laser Pro button.

  • A confirmation pop up will appear. Confirm you want to export the file by clicking the Export button.

  • The file will export and generate a text file that you can download. This is the export file. Do not open the  file. Send this file to your colleague for them to import.

Deleting a Loan

You can Delete a loan in the Utilities menu. Only accounts with the appropriate access levels can delete a loan, if you do not see the delete option, it means your account does not have access to delete loans. Your Site Administrator can adjust your access levels if needed.


Once you delete a loan, there is no recovering it. Do not click the Delete button until you are certain you need to delete the loan.

Again. There is no going back when a loan is deleted. Once the delete process is complete, there is no recovery.

  • Click Delete.

  • A confirmation pop up will appear warning you that the delete operation cannot be reversed. Click Delete to confirm that you want to delete the loan.


The pop up will disappear. You will return to your home page and the loan should no longer appear in your system.

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