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Ventures Menus
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There are two menus in Ventures that are visible on all pages.

The Resource Menu:

The resource menu at the top of the page contains links that allow you to

  • Contact Support.
  • Access the Knowledge Base for training and support resources.
  • Access the Administration set up section of Ventures.
  • Access options for your user account.
  • Logout.

The menu is always visible regardless of the page you are on.

Please note: The Administration option will only appear for accounts that have Site Administrator privileges. Regular User accounts will not see the Administration option.

The Main Menu:

The Main Menu allows you to navigate through the various sections of Ventures. It is always visible regardless of the page you are on.

  • Home: Takes you to your home page.
  • Loans: Takes you to the Loan grid, where you can search through loans in your system. You can also start Adding a loan from the Loan grid.
  • Leads: Takes you to the Lead grid, where you can search through leads in your system. You can also add a lead from the leads grid.
  • Tasks: Takes you to the Task grid, where you can search through tasks that have been created in your system. You can mark tasks as complete in the grid.
  • Contacts: Takes you to the Contacts grid, where you can search through Contacts have been created in your system. You can add contacts directly to your system using the Add button. In general, contacts are added during the process of adding a loan to your system. Clicking on a contact listed in the grid will load the contact’s virtual card. 
  • Companies: Takes you to the Companies grid, where you can search through Companies that been created in your system. You can add companies directly to your system using the Add button. In general, companies are added during the process of adding a loan to your system. Clicking on a company listed in the grid will load the company’s virtual card.
  • Reports & Letters: Will by default, load the Reports grid. You can use the menu on the left to navigate to pages for Bulk Letters, Web Templates or Ticklers.
  • Payments: Will only appear if you have the Payments module as part of your Ventures platform. It will load the Payments grid where you can search through payment records in your system. The payments side menu allows you to configure options for the payments module, and to generate relevant reports and the SBA 1502 form.
  • Utilities: This menu covers various import and export options available to Ventures users.

The Overview Menu:

When you are in a file, you will see the overview menu. Most of your time in Ventures will be spent working in various parts of the overview menu. It is where information for the specific loan is entered. The options in the menu and its submenus update based on the status of the loan and are slightly different based on the type of the loan.

We will cover all of these menus throughout our documentation.


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