When you log in to Ventures, your home page will load.
The home page has several sections that you should be aware of.
1. When Ventures updates, you will also see an announcement banner running across the top of the home screen. Clicking on the link in the banner will take you the release notes covering changes in the release. We highly recommend you review release notes for every release. They cover all changes contained by the update, and will often contain links to trainings for new or updated features.
2. The Announcement widget is incredibly important. Ventures staff routinely update the Announcement widget with important information for you including:
- Information covering new Ventures updates
- Announcements regarding technical issues impacting ETRAN or Ventures
- Upcoming Ventures office closures
3. You will see a list of recently opened loans in the “Recently Opened” widget. Clicking on a loan listed here will take you to that loan’s Overview page. This is the quickest way to access a loan you were recently working on.
4. The Common Actions widget contains shortcuts to create a loan, run a report and shortcuts to your contact and company sections.
5. The Quick Searches widget contains links to various search pages in Ventures, for quick access.
6. The Favorite Reports Widgets lists any reports you have marked as favorites.
7. The Release Notes widgets contains links to the latest Release Notes. If you do not click on the link in the banner, you can always access the latest release notes in this widget.
8. The Ticklers Due widgets lists ticklers whose notification dates have passed. Clicking on a link here will load a page that contains the details said ticklers.