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Home > Training > Ventures > Overview Menus > Entities > Entity Contact Information Tabs
Entity Contact Information Tabs
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Navigating to the Entity Information Tabs:

  • Click on Entities in the Overview menu.
  • To access the tabs where you can enter information for a contact associated with an entity in your loan, click on the name of the contact in the ownership table of the entity. You can do this on the main entities table, or by clicking on the entities name and then scrolling to the bottom of the general tab to the ownership section.

  • The Entity Contact page will load. You will see the name of the contact and the type of guarantee you have set for them in the header. You can change the guarantee type using this dropdown menu.
  • Clicking on the hyperlinked name will open the contact’s virtual card.
  • You can use the Signer for check box to indicate if this contact is a signer for the entity. If checked they will appear in signature blocks where needed.

The General Tab:

  • The ownership of section allows you to adjust the ownership percentage the contact owns of the entity.
  • The "roles in" sections allows you set the Job Title the contact has within the entity if any and to note their years of experience. You can also mark if they have control (this is automatically selected and cannot be unselected if the own 51% or more as stated in the ownership field), if they are a Key Employee, Officer or Director.
  • 7A loans will have a section titled Other Affiliations that does not appear for 504 and commercial loan types. This section can be used to note if the contact is a person/has a spouse employed by a federal agency, if they have an interest in other business, if they have obtained evidence of a Non-compete from a competitor and a field to list the name of the competitor.
  • The fields in the financial history section differ based on the loan type:
  • 504: allows you to note if they were Debarred, Delinquent on Child Support, if this loan has ever been submitted to the SBA, if they have received previous government financing and if they have any other SBA loans.
  • 7A: and Commercial: allows you to note allows you to note if they were Debarred, Delinquent on Child Support
  • The Legal History section allows you note whether the contact has every been Indicted or Charged, Arrested, or if they are Convicted or on probation. If you select yes, a narrative field will appear allowing you to add additional details.
  • The conditions sections appears for Operating Companies and Eligible Passive Concerns. It allows you:
    • to note if the contact requires Disability Insurance and provides as space to note the name on the policy if it is not the same as the contact whose page you are on,
    • to note if the contact requires life Insurance and provides a space to note the name on the policy if it is not the same as the contact whose page you are on, and a space to list the amount of the life insurance policy. The life insurance required fields translates to credit memos and ETRAN.


Background Tab:

  • The top of the background tab allows you to enter the Contacts Date of Birth and it has a field to note the date if the contact is deceased.
  • The Tax ID and Tax ID type are located on this tab. It is of vital importance that a tax id is entered and the appropriate tax id type is selected. This is required for ETRAN.
  • The Current Home Address lets you add the Contacts home address. This field is validated when submitting to ETRAN.
  • The previous home address lets you add a previous relevant address

The Citizenship and Demographic section allows You to enter the contact's:

  • Gender. This field is validated when submitting to ETRAN.
  • Citizenship Status. This field is validated when submitting to ETRAN.
  • Alien Registration Number
  • Race
  • Ethnicity. This field is validated when submitting to ETRAN.
  • Birth City, State, Country
  • Country of Citizenship

The military section allows you to list their veteran status, note whether it is certified, what branch they were in, any major assignments they were on, their rank at discharge and discharge type and to note the dates the were serving.

  • The Veteran field is validated when submitting to ETRAN.
  • The spouse section allows you to add the Name, Date of Birth, Social Security Number, Place of Birth and if they are a US citizen or to note their alien registration number. 

You can add Educational or Work history to a contact. Select which piece of information you would like to add by choosing the appropriate tab. Then click Add. A pop up will appear. Fill in the information and click save. You will see the record appear in the table under the respective tab. To edit an entry click on it in the table and the pop up will appear. Make your edits and click save. To delete an entry click the X icon next to it, confirm in the confirmation pop up you wish to delete the entry by clicking delete.

Credit and Identification Tab:

The Credit Flags section allows you to mark if the entity is Involved in a Pending Lawsuit or is Involved in a Bankruptcy / Insolvency. Information from this section will flow to the credit memo

The Credit Report sections allows you to enter the Entities Credit Score, the date of the score, the source of the credit score, the percentage of available revolving credit, the year established, a checkbox to show if the Report shows Derogatory Items.

There is a comments section if you wish to comment on their credit report.

Information from the Credit Report section will flow to the credit memo.

The Credit Alert Verification Reporting System (CAIVRS) section allows you to select a CAIVRS Finding, and to note the report date of the finding.

The Customer Identification Program (CIP) allows you to enter the CUP number, the source and the expiration date.

The System for Award Management (SAM) section allows you to enter a SAM verification date for the entity and to note if they have an Exclusion Status.

The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) section allows you to select an OFAC finding, and to note the OFAC date.

Government Financing:

This table allows you to input information covering any form of previous Government Financing the contact has received. This financing is specific to the contact. Not the company. All previous government financing will flow to the Analysis -> Prior Government Financing menu where you can add further narratives to it if required.

  • To add a record of previous government financing, click the add button.

  • A pop-up will appear. Enter the name of the creditor or agency responsible. If they are not already in the system you may have to click Add New to create a record for the company. For further instructions on adding a company please click here.
  • Fill out the rest of the information and click save.

  • The pop up will disappear and you will see the record you created in the government financing table.
  • Click the name of the Creditor/Agency to modify the details you have entered. Remember to click save after making changes.

  • To delete a record, click the X icon next to its name in the table. A confirmation message will appear, click the delete button to confirm that you want to delete the record. The pop up will disappear and the record will be deleted.

SBA 1919 Tab:

  • This tab only appears for 7A loans. It contains questions that are on SBA Form 1919. Any questions in the form not found on this tab are answered in one of the other tabs we have covered here.


 The Custom Fields Tab:

The custom fields tab only appears if your site administrator has set up custom fields for the standard object. For more information on custom fields and how site administrators can set them up. Please click here.



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