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Entities Information
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 Every Entity you add to a loan has information you need to fill out in a variety of tabs.

Looking for a specific section? Use the table of contents below to jump straight to it!

To do this:

  • Click on Entities in the overview menu.
  • You can either click on the Entity whose information you would like to add or edit in the submenu that appears, or when the Entities page loads, click the Entity in the table. The result is the same.

A page will load that contains various tabs for you to record information regarding the entity. It also contains a header section.

  • Take a moment to note the save buttons. There is one at the top of the page and one at the bottom. When you edit any information in any of these tabs, remember to hit save. If you do not, changes you make will not be saved.
  • The header section contains the entity name. Click on it to access the Entities virtual card.
  • You can change the Association the entity has with the loan by using the Association drop down menu. If there is only one Entity added to the loan in the Entities table, then the association will always default to Primary Operating Company. If there are multiple entities added to the loan, the dropdown menu unlocks and you can change the association as needed. If you switch the association to Primary Operating Company, the current Primary OC will be automatically changed to an Operating Company association type. There can only be one Primary Operating Company.
  • You change the Guarantee Type the entity provides using the Guarantee type field.
  • The first time you access the information page of an entity, the Business Entity Type field will not be set. You must choose an option from the dropdown list.
  • You can mark whether the entity is a co borrower or not by ticking the co borrower check box.

The tabs will differ slightly based on the type of loan.

The General Tab: 

Allows you to enter the following information:

  • DBA Name: Doing business as name. If you fill in a Doing Business as name for a Primary Operating Company, the name will become the loan reference name in Ventures.
  • Employees: Allows you to track the number of employees
  • Employees Average (Year One)
  • Employees Average (Year Two)
  • Bank Account Company
  • Established Date: For SBA lenders, if the established date field is left blank, ETRAN will translate this to mean that this entity is a startup and you may encounter additional validation rules related to start ups. If the business is not a startup, make sure you enter an Established Date
  • Current Ownership Established Date
  • State of Formation
  • You can mark if the entity is a CDFI certified by a CDFI Fun
  • NAICS Code
  • Tax ID and Tax ID Type: Make sure you enter a Tax ID and select the appropriate Tax ID type!
  • DUNS. The DUNS field allows you to note the entities Dun and Bradstreet number.
  • You can also add ownership and other contact information here. For steps on how to add ownership information, click here.

The Eligibility Tab:

The Eligibility tab for the Primary Operating Company will contain an Ownership Demographic section. This section will not appear for other Entities in the loan, it only exists for the Primary Operating Company. In said section you will be able to mark if the Entity is Woman owned by checking the Woman Owned check box and there are fields for you to enter their Ethnicity, Race and their Veteran Status.

For 504 and 7A loans the Export section is visible. This does not appear for a commercial loan. If the primary borrower does any exporting, complete this section as it does transfer to ETRAN. You can mark: if they are an Exporter, the Estimated Total Sales amount of their Export, their Primary Export Country.

All loans will contain the Contractual and Franchise Agreements Section   It allows you to add details covering contractual or franchise agreements the entity is committed to.

For 504 and 7A loans, this section also contains buttons to generate SBA Form 2462, SBA Form 2464 and the instructions for SBA form 2462.



  • To add a record of an agreement, click the add button.
  • The Add agreement pop-up will appear. Fill in the Agreement Type dropdown menu, the Eligibility status of the agreement and a description. The rest of the fields are optional, fill in as much information as you need to. Click Save.

  • The pop up will disappear and you will be able to see the agreement you created listed in the Contractual and Franchise Agreement table.
  • You can modify the details you have entered for an Agreement by clicking on the hyperlinked agreement type column for record you wish to edit. The edit agreement pop-up will appear. Make your edits and click save.

  •  To delete an agreement you have entered, click the X button next to the record you wish to delete. A confirmation pop up will appear. Confirm you want to delete the agreement by clicking the delete button.

The SBA 1919 Tab:

This tab only appears for 7A loans. It contains questions that are on SBA Form 1919. Any questions in the form not found on this tab are answered in one of the other Entity tabs we have covered here. At the bottom of the page, you can also generate the SBA Form 1919. There is a mapping guide for Form 1919 attached to this KB article.

The Conditions Tab:

  • This tab only appears for Entities that are listed as a Primary Operating Company, Operating Company or as an Eligible Passive Concern (EPC).
  • The Required Insurance section allows you to record if the Entity needs any of the following insurance: Liability, Product Liability, Dram Shop/Liquor Liability, Malpractice, Workers Comp and it contains a space for you to enter other insurance types if needed.
  • The Required Documents from Entity section allows to specific which (if any) Financial Records you require from this Entity, and space to note how many days after the end of the fiscal year the entity has to provide you with said records.
  • 7A loans have an additional section titled Payroll. This allows you to record the Average Payroll per month for the Entity.

The Credit and Identification Tab:

  • The Credit Flags section allows you to mark if the entity is Involved in a Pending Lawsuit or is Involved in a Bankruptcy / Insolvency. Information from this section will flow to the credit memo
  • The Credit Report sections allows you to enter the Entities Credit Score, the date of the score, the source of the credit score, a checkbox to show if the Report shows Derogatory Items.
  • If you have a Coleman report subscription, you can have the SBA default rate data display in the SBA default Rate field.
  • There is a comments section if you wish to comment on their credit report.
  • Information from the Credit Report section will flow to the credit memo.
  • The Credit Alert Verification Reporting System (CAIVRS) section allows you to select a CAIVRS Finding, and to note the report date of the finding.
  • The System for Award Management (SAM) section allows you to enter a SAM verification date for the entity and to note if they have an Exclusion Status.
  • The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) section allows you to select an OFAC finding, and to note the OFAC date.


The Narratives Tab:

  • This tab contains narrative sections. Information entered in these sections will appear in the credit memo. There are three narrative sections that can appear here. The type of association the entity has determines which section appears.
  • The Management Narrative field appears for Primary Operating Companies and Operating Companies. Some uses for this narrative field include identifying managers and their background, and to indicate if there is a management team or succession plan in place.
  • The Entity Description Narrative field appears for Primary Operating Companies, Operating Companies, Eligible Passive Concerns (EPC), Affiliates and any Related Non-Affiliates.

  • The Non-Affiliation Narrative field only appears for entities that have an association type of Related Non-Affiliate. This field allows you to enter an explanation for the reason of non-affiliation. This field merges to the table within credit memos labeled Summary of Related Non-Affiliates.


The Custom Fields Tab:

The custom fields tab only appears if your site administrator has set up custom fields for the Entity Contact Standard object. For more information on custom fields and how site administrators can set them up. Please click here.

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