Feb 20, 2025
When building a web template, you can start a fresh template from scratch, but it is often quicker to build a template from the base of another one. Ventures allows you to copy web templates and modify them as you see fit.
To copy a web template:
- Click on Documents in the menu that runs across the top of the screen.
- When the page loads, click “Web Templates.”
- Find template you would like to use as your base. Click the copy button located next to the name of the template you would like to copy.
- When you click copy, the template builder page will load. It will automatically name your temple “Template Name” (Copied), make sure to rename your template so you can easily find it later.
- You are now ready to design and build your template. For instructions on building web templates please click here. Build your template to fit your needs.
- Click save when you are done.