Jan 13, 2024
The bulk letters section lets you prepare bulk letters. It lets you choose from Web templates that have been enabled for the bulk merge feature. You can find how to enable the feature in the article here.
- Click on Reports & Letters
- Click Bulk Letters in the menu on the left.
- You can use the filter options to filter for the form you want. When you find the form you want, click on the form name.
- The Merge criteria pop-up will appear. Select the type of loan the recipients of the bulk letter are.
- Continue to select a loan status and a sub-status to narrow down and specify the recipients of the letter.
- Next choose the destination. If you select Download Files, the file will download to your local system for you to attach and send at your own convenience. If you select email, the next screen will allow you to send the letter directly from within Ventures, with the letter attached.
- Select if you want the letter to generate as a pdf or a word document.
- Once you make your selections click next.
- If you select Email as the destination, the next screen will prompt you to select the recipients of the email. Only recipients who fit the criteria with an email address entered in Ventures. You can preview the form by clicking the page icon. It is next to the selection check box. Make your selections by ticking the check box next to the recipient and click next.
- The pop up will change to the Email options pop up. It will show you how many recipient you are sending the email to, and will give you a space to enter a subject line and a body for the email message. Enter a subject line and email body, then click merge and email. The email will be generated and sent. You will see a confirmation message informing you how many emails were sent. Click ok to close the message.
- If you select download files when you click next, the system will perform the merge and download the file automatically, or depending on your settings it may ask you where you want to save the file before you download it.
- Once the document downloads, review it and then you are free to send it using the method of your choosing.