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Enabling Web Templates for Bulk Letters
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When creating a custom web template, you may decide that you want to be able to use it in the Bulk Letters area to be able to print the document for multiple projects. In order to do this, you must enable your web template for use in Bulk Letters.


  • When you are in your custom web template, you will have two tabs: General and Template Designer. The Bulk Template option is located in the General tab.


  • In the section for Options, you will find the configuration for Bulk Letters near the bottom.




  • Enabled for Bulk merge - This marks the web template to be used in Bulk Letters.
  • Bulk Merge Type - This option is used if you are doing Insurance letters and would like to use Insurance Agents in the merge instead of standard contacts. Leave this as "Normal" if you are not doing an Insurance Letter that goes to an agent.



  • Bulk Merge Parameters - There are five specific options that are available as criteria or parameters when you merge bulk letters.
    1. Boarded in Payments: Using this allows the letter to be sent to loans Boarded in Payments in your system. 
    2. CSA Report Date: The CSA Report Date from Tracking > Rejects/Delinquencies
    3. Has Paid Payments Interest or Late Fees : (Used for Payments ONLY) Has the borrower paid any Interest or Late Fees within a specified year?
    4. Include Out of Portfolio Loans : By default, Bulk Letters ignores loans that are Out of Portfolio. You can use this option to include those loans.
    5. Payment Past Due : Using this allows the letter to be sent to Borrowers who are "x" Number of Days Past Due. You will be able to specify a range for the number of days when generating the bulk letter. 


Bulk Merge Restrictions

I have enabled my document for Bulk Merge but the template doesn't show up in Bulk Letters?


The Bulk Letters area merges documents in a different way in order to print for multiple projects and accounts. Because of this special function, some fields in the Web Templates area are not compatible with the Bulk Merge option. So you could enable the letter for Bulk Merge but if these fields are in your letter, it will not show up on the list of available templates in Bulk Letters. As a general rule, the fields located in the Parameters section of Merge Documents are not compatible with Bulk Letters. Some of the fields like Personnel can be used but most of the others like Insurance and Collateral will not work in Bulk Letters. Instead, you will need to find an alternative field to use in your Web Template if you wish to use this in Bulk Letters.


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